Leighton-Linslade’s longest running

community event bringing people together

for a day of fun and enjoyment!

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2025 Carnival Theme

Following the ballot to choose the theme for Carnival 2025 it has been announced that the theme chosen is “Games”.

This theme was suggested by one of the entrants in the 2024 procession, and was a very clear winner in the ballot.

Many thanks to those who suggested this, and those who voted.

Please look out for the entry forms for the 2025 which will be on this website soon, as well as stall booking forms.

About Leighton-Linslade Carnival

Evidence of Carnival in Leighton Buzzard and Linslade can be found as far back as before the First World War. Carnivals were held in the 1920s and 1930s, and again in the early 1950s. many of these were to raise money for the Infectious Diseases Hospital at Grove. By the mid-1950s the lack of support caused the Carnival to stop and whilst there were Carnival Queens selected, no Carnival was held. For a few years RAFA took over and selected a Wings Queen as part of their Battle of Britain commemorations.

In 1962 the Leighton Buzzard Youth Club, led by the late Pete Lymbery, decided to revive Carnival as a community event in the town. It drew people together and raised funds for the Youth Club and other local groups.

Volunteers have ensured that Carnival has been part of the calendar of local social events. The highlight of the event is the procession, comprising of float entries, both walking and on decorated lorries, that passes along a designated route through the town.

As an organisation, Leighton-Linslade Carnival now exists to preserve the historical tradition of carnival in Leighton-Linslade by holding Carnival in July each year, raises monies to distribute to charities and organisations benefiting the people of Leighton-Linslade, and runs an under 5s event in June each year to promote and assist pre-schools and playgroups, to provide singing and dancing sessions to give a learning experience of group performing and to allow young families to experience free activities that they may otherwise be unable to afford. It also holds an archive to preserve the history of Carnival in the town, much of which is available on the Carnival website.

The independent volunteer group looks forward to bringing Carnival to everyone for many years to come, with the continued support and participation of all those that have come to love this event every year.


Support Carnival

To provide opportunities for on-line and text donation, we have partnered with the National Fundraising Scheme. They are a registered charity and will collect donations on our behalf.

This allows you to support Carnival by:

  • making a one-off text donation
  • making a one-off online donation
  • setting up a regular monthly donation

Whichever option you choose we are very grateful for your support.

Programme Advertisers

Thank you to all our Carnival programme advertisers that support Leighton-Linslade Carnival.

If you would like to support Carnival and enjoy year round advertising through the printed programme and being on the website here, please do get in touch.

Please click below to view the programme, or to see details of our advertisers to whom we are very grateful for supporting us.

Carnival’s Picnic In The Park

2024 Carnival’s Picnic In The Park was held on Wednesday 19th June. After the unfortunate cancellation of the 2023 event, due to very bad weather conditions, we were very pleased to see so many people at Carnival’s Picnic in the Park in this year.

Carnival’s Picnic In The Park is a great day out full of fun and activities for 0-5 year olds and their families and carers. This is a free event with entertainment on stage, lots of stalls, rides and soft play, craft activities and lots more!

Picnic In The Park has been an annual event in Parson’s Close Recreation Ground for over 40 years. In 2015 the event was supported by Carnival and re-invented to bring an updated style of event and was formally adopted as an official Carnival event in 2018.

We are proud to be able to continue to bring this much-loved event to the town, which many locals remember attending when they were children themselves.

Awards Evening

In October each year we hold an Awards Evening, where we make a short presentation about our fundraising efforts and then proceed to award funds to the various nominations that we have received from the public.

All the awards are made from the funds raised through the Carnival events that are held throughout the year; the majority of the monies raised comes from our sponsors, programme advertisers and the bucket collections accompanying the carnival floats.

It is always hugely rewarding to know that the time and effort devoted to running Carnival each year helps so many local charities and causes, and that the funds awarded contribute to the ongoing running of so many groups.

Our Sponsors & Partners

We are extremely grateful to the following organisations and businesses who generously support the work of the Carnival Committee and enable us to bring all Carnival events to the community.

Leighton-Linslade Carnival and
Carnival’s Picnic In the Park take place at:

Parsons Close Recreation Ground, off Grove Road,
Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 1SF

Contact Us
[email protected]


Picnic In The Park

Contact Us

If you need any further information or would like to get involved with Carnival or Picnic In The Park, please contact us using this form and we will get in touch as soon as we can, or email [email protected].